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Business Block - Pessimism

Updated: Feb 13

When worry creeps in, the task seems overwhelming. Naturally, this kind of thinking can really get you down and exacerbate your procrastination tendencies. Time is wasted on mundane life activities and goals are left unaccomplished because our thoughts are in the way.

Life gives in proportion to what it receives. When your heart is dis-satisfied your thoughts reflect it. You decide if these next #discipline killers will be allowed to linger:

  • Am I good enough? Will people even want to write what I have written?

  • Maybe what I have to say isn't good enough...

  • Maybe people won't receive it or resonate with it...

  • Can I see myself in the same circles as successful people?

  • Do I trust myself to do the hard work when things get tough?

  • Will we make it over that small business start-up hump?

  • Will we make enough to sustain our family and provide for the community?

  • How will we find the labour or support to undertake such large-scale design?

  • The budget is more than we can afford, will people be encouraged to support?

  • There's so much to do I don't know where to start

  • I don't have the time or the energy

  • I'm worried about the state of the country, community or world, so worried I freeze

  • What if online is the only way to go and then small farmers get targeted

  • What if I am not self-motivated enough, how can I find adequate support?

  • What if it interferes with my parenting time?

  • What if the business is a failure or we don't make any money?

  • What if we can't pay our Mortgage?

Do you have similar concerns that run through your thoughts? If we think on them every day, they become roadblocks in our hearts, minds & bodies. The emotional & physical & spiritual bond becomes weak and harm the ability to succeed.

Medical research has proven that when you have even the notion of a thought, your gut and brain are affected by the release of neuro-chemicals.

These can be beneficial chemicals like serotonin, oxytocin or dopamine or detrimental if held for too long chemicals like adrenaline, __, __. {study reference - also available in “downloads”}

Recognize the negative thinking, it only creates a vicious cycle of self-harm. Leave out judgement. Bring it into light so that you can stop it and change directions. Sometimes it can be more than a change of attitude, it could be letting go of toxicity (relationships, unhealthy food or practices), or an inability to say ‘no’.

Reframe your vision: Are you complaining or planning?

Instead, your personal focus should be to customize your own series of #creativevisualizations, to be kept at the forefront of our mind. Take a cue from optimists and visualize your successful outcome and better yet, take a moment to enjoy the imagined benefits of your goals already achieved.

“You are far greater than you have been led to believe, and far more powerful than you have yet allowed yourself to be.” - {Thrive in Overdrive}

How to be optimistic:

  • Look for encouragement and save it for later to boost your mood. Like this one I found from a farmer 45 minutes away from Hawkeye Hill:

“My fellow small farmers and I know that we are skilled professionals, that we are innovative entrepreneurs carving out a sustainable niche in a profoundly dysfunctional food system, that we are the bedrock of a good food movement that has the power to change the world. We know that the things we grow are beautiful and valuable, and we're not embarrassed when we're paid accordingly. We have grown our businesses not in spite of our values, but because of them. We're successful because we kick ass.” --Brent Preston (The New Farm)

  • Rearrange all of your #discipline killers in a positive context. See yourself overcoming each of those mind-created obstacles. View your mistakes as welcome challenges, as opportunities to experiment more. I love Thomas Edison's attitude after failing to make a working lightbulb, “I have not failed 10,000 times — I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

  • Reframe ‘what if’ questions in a positive and comical way:

    • What if l get that job that fulfills my desires?

    • What if this is a great idea that people in the community want to get behind?

    • What if someone is just looking for this type of partnership and opportunities to support each other?

    • What if people love what you have to say and you find fullfillment and support?

    • What if this is the very best way to screw the patriarchy and support agriculture and the environment at the grass roots level {}

    • Since there is a great need for specific food and quality ingredients at the local level, of course I will be successful.

    • What if we succeed our financial goals that we can give away more that we imagined?

    • What if we don’t have any more time for other j.o.b.s and instead need to focus all of our time on our passion?

    • What if it’s a parenting win due to the hard work and success the child experiences and feels a part of?

  • Acknowledge that you are a work in progress, forgive yourself for not knowing what you know now. Today you are using new information that will help you heal. You (and your creator) are the only ones who have dominion over your bodymindspirit. The beautiful interconnection of the three offers hope. The mindspirit part of it all has an integral part to play and without it, your body suffers.

  • Write down your visualizations so that recalling them becomes easier. This will help you to acknowledge that you are worthy and build your self-confidence. Satisfaction will come from the knowing that you put in the hard work and stood up after every fall.

  • Branch out and expand your sphere of influence. Learn new skills or hobbies that have always interested you. Join a new support group. Find an optimist around you that expresses hope. Read our blog: Business Plan - Partnerships.

Finding a positive in every outcome is not easy. Sometimes it takes making a few of the same mistakes before we grow and learn. The truth is, you will always come up against hardship and suffering.

In practical ways, we must guard our hearts from our own thoughts. Research says that you think 90% of the same thoughts you thought yesterday. We sabotage ourselves day in and day out.

Learn to recognize your inner thought monologue and say stop to the “I’m not good enough” lies. These lies put undue stress on your physical body. Your cells respond to a mere notion of a thought and sends a cascade of chemicals throughout your body. Learn to control your mind or it will control you. Every physical disease has a mental correlation. Nip that and you’ll allow your body the start of a healing journey.

“Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way... you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions.” - Aristotle

Are your thoughts limiting you or inspiring you? It’s your choice. Only you are in control of your thoughts.

Let us know your tips and tricks to overcome the nasty onslaught of drivel we tell ourselves day in and day out.

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Jessica Lilac purple flowers


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