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Business Plan - Partnerships

Updated: Feb 13

Begin by bouncing your ideas off of potential partners and like-minded neighbours. Who do you work well with?

What is their level of interest? Start slow and ask questions. You will all need time to marinate on the ideas.

Our business plan was given to a few strategic players in our sphere of possibilities. Over time we have learned that self-reliance is not possible without community. We have great hopes and ideas for partnership/mentorship. It takes a village.

Think of a few like-minded people you know that you can approach with your business plan and assess their interest. Come prepared with an idea of how they could help based on the skills you have seen in them.

Rich relationships and experiences follow when we seek partnership. Try helping out with their project first, giving your time and unique perspective. Receive the valuable lessons from the people in your community and watch the return on your investments multiply.

Humans were made to need each other. You can't do everything on your own (as much as you'd like to). Reliance on others is so inherently human. As is the ability to connect with others no matter their station in life.

Community Partnerships are so important if you have any interest in education and historical preservation. In order to make a difference, you have to get involved; Somewhere.

Familial Partnerships are not always favourable depending on your family dynamics but can be a good way to pool investment and equity. Both sides of our family could lend their assets to our homestead. Childcare, food preparation, gardening, repairs and maintenance. Each member has a skill, now they just need the desire.

Since for us, homeschool and farming is on the horizon it makes sense to move in to some sort of in-law suite situation. These are just ideas for how to make your dollars go further while you're starting out if you've got supportive people in your life. If not, go out and volunteer to make some quality connections for when you need them.

Fostering desire in others to help you attain a goal will not be easy. Though at some point, we all struggle to find our purpose in life. Isn't it always encouraging when someone makes a remark about strengths that they see in you? Look for strengths in others and remark upon them. If you can identify each other's skills, a mutual partnership leads to a stronger homestead for both.

When volunteering or giving of yourself, that's where you'll find your voice. And when we use our collective strengths on something, we #thrive.

Have crucial conversations that build up not tear down. Learning to work together can be difficult and takes time and patience. Honest and open conversations are key and take a little bit of tact and skill.

  • Even when you disagree, before saying "No..." try saying: "Yes and have you also thought about this..."

  • Explain your idea while still leaving room for theirs

  • Don't assume - You'll just make an ASS out of U and ME

  • Read Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, this book taught me how to have crucial conversations without offences.

"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High gives you the tools you need to step up to life's most difficult and important conversations, say what's on your mind, and achieve the positive resolutions you want."

"When stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong, you have three choices: Avoid a crucial conversation and suffer the consequences; handle the conversation badly and suffer the consequences; or read Crucial Conversations and discover how to communicate best when it matters most. Crucial Conversations gives you the tools you need to step up to life's most difficult and important conversations, say what's on your mind, and achieve the positive resolutions you want. You'll learn how to:

  • Prepare for high-impact situations with a six-minute mastery technique

  • Make it safe to talk about almost anything

  • Be persuasive, not abrasive

  • Keep listening when others blow up or clam up

  • Turn crucial conversations into the action and results you want"

Tell us about your conversation fails and what tips you can offer to make sure your conversation wins!

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Jessica Lilac purple flowers


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