Our objective at Hawkeye Hill stems from our desire to create safer homes for the community through trial & error, how-to videos and articles in a local setting. You can go at your own pace and follow along with our step-by-step blog. We invite our community members to participate and share their wisdom and experiences to enrich the learning experience.

Our key desire is to offer the hope and confidence that comes with self-reliant communities in an uncertain, scarce & other than self-reliant time.
Self-reliant here does not mean "by yourself". Rather we say "self-reliant communities" in an effort to acknowledge that we need each other. To barter and to hold each other accountable.
Reliance on others is so inherently human. As is the ability to connect with others no matter their station in life.
With your help, we are hoping to create a safe space to share homestead and sustainable survival skills, a place for people to feel at home virtually and physically at the farm.
To give ourselves a visual of what we could accomplish with a little bit of effort, we wrote down a list of skills we already have or have interest in.
Here's our rough working list:
Zoning residential
Approx. 4,000 square ft of workable land
Construction, Mechanics, Strategy Skills
Tools & building know how
Photography (tree trails, backdrops)
Experience w gardening, chickens, etc.
Plant love and passion
Grow Hemp & Herbs
Grow a specialty herb well (although need to diversify in case harvest is not plentiful)
Research & development to find best conditions
Process, dry + rett
Press it to make essential oil
Handling for:
Multiple seeds
Forest to look after
Trees to cut down for mulch & wood
Water pooling
Road and hill erosion
Is your objective to start a movement or contribute to one? What is it that you are going to do? What are you going to create? What do you care about the most, what is the thing you cannot not do?
Something to Think About
What positions do you not have affinity for? This is key, be honest about what you don't want to do.
You'll have to weigh your budget dollars with the time spent learning a new skill you have no interest in.
Keep some budget dollars in mind for hiring a bookkeeper or plumber or things you just can't do yourself.
Let us know: What do you already have that will contribute to the success of your plan?
If you're enjoying the content at hawkeyehill.farm, click on offer support above to donate towards our community effort to establish an all-season, element-proof, Geodesic Greenhouse. By providing even a small donation (or shopping in our online store), you can be part of an effort to create thriving relationships in our community, produce good food and healing herbs.
To access the newsletter and to support this website, please become a member today.