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Medicinal Herbs - Chamomile

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla)

Part Used: Flowers & essential oil (oil not to be taken internally)

Height: 2ft tall

Preparation: Brew tea with dried flower heads


  • Combine w Ginger

  • Any age can take

  • Add to bath for children (soothing & relax)

  • Soothes colic & teething

  • Anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory (esp when applied topically)

  • Relaxant & mild sedative

  • Treats:

  • Mouth ulcers

  • Indigestion & soothes digestion

  • Relieves spasms

  • Loose bowels

  • Chrone’s & colitis

  • Stomach Ache

  • Acidity

  • Travel sickness

  • Muscle Cramps & Tension

  • Menstrual Pain

  • Wound healer

  • Inflamed skin (Poultice of flower heads can relieve sore skin)

  • Poor sleep

  • Anxiety

  • Cold hands & feet

  • Helps gardens recover

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