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Medicinal Herbs - Fennel

Updated: Feb 13

Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare)

Part Used: Seed & Essential oil

Height: 8ft tall

Preparation: Use dried seed for Tea infusion is soothing, Gargle it to soothe mucous membranes

Companion: Peppermint


  • Grows like crazy, better in pot

  • Safe for children

  • Improves appetite & digestive health

  • Aid to weight loss

  • Reduces food cravings

  • Taken over a few months, improves menstrual regularity

  • Menstrual Pain

  • Taken to start or maintain sufficient flow of milk

  • Increases the production of breast milk

  • Treats:

  • Shortness of breath

  • Bough

  • Colic

  • Teething pain

  • Bloating & Gas

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