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Medicinal Herbs - St. John's Wort

Updated: Feb 13

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum)

Part Used: Flowering top

Height: 3ft tall

Preparation: Tincture, Infusion, Fixed oil (used topically) of dried flowers

Companion: Valerian

Dark red oil glands that line the margins of petals & leaves contain hypericin, a key active constituent


  • Anti-viral

  • Its effect on the hormone melatonin makes it useful for jetlag

  • Influences brain chemistry

  • Anti-depressant (Do not combine w other anti-depressants)

  • Results can take 6 weeks

  • Treats:

  • Mild to moderate depression

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder

  • Nervous exhaustion

  • Mood during menopause

  • Helps sleep

  • Stimulates liver detoxification

  • Reduces drug levels in the body, reducing their effectiveness

  • Stomach ulcers (one teaspoon of fixed oil per day)

  • Nerve tonic

  • Dulls nerve pain

  • Arthritic joints

  • Sciatica

  • Toothache

  • Apply topically in affected area or on cheek before dental treatment

  • Speeds tissue repair

  • Wound healer

  • Postoperative scars

  • Knife & puncture wounds, sprains, bruises (Fixed oil is antiseptic)

  • Shingles

  • Can cause sensitivity to sunlight

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