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Medicinal Herbs - Stinging Nettle

Updated: Feb 13

Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica)

Part Used: Dried aerial parts (picked in summer) & root, Shoots (picked in spring) to eat

Height: 3-7ft tall

Preparation: Tea or soup, Tonic (leaf)

Companion: Calendula, yellow dock


  • Rich in iron, calcium & silica

  • Safe to consume in large amounts

  • Infusion makes effective hair rinse

  • Juice of leaf cures nettle sting

  • High levels of histamine & serotonin in stinging hairs

  • Ancient practice of flaying an arthritic joint w nettle leaves in order to treat pain & stiffness

  • Above was recently confirmed in double-blind clinical trial

  • Supports tissue repair

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Anti-spasmodic (root)

  • Anti-allergenic activity

  • Use for hay fever & asthma

  • Blood cleaners

  • Diuretic = increased production of urine (fresh root)

  • Treats:

  • Enlarged prostate (tincture, can combine with Saw Palmetto)

  • Difficulty in passing urine or poor urine flow

  • Anemia (and prevents)

  • Rheumatic problems

  • Stiff & inflamed joints

  • Gout

  • Pain & inflammation (apply infusion topically)

  • Varicose veins (apply infusion topically)

  • Stops bleeding (taken orally) from wounds & nosebleeds

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding

Combine with Calendula & Yellow dock to treat:

  • Chronic skin problems

  • Eczema

  • Psoriasis

  • Urticaria

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