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On Church, Toxins & Worldview

Updated: Feb 13

Because God exists, we are in a constant state of learning about other disciplines that we believe are complimentary to following Christ. This is a blog I wrote in 2019 that started as a response to Robert Velarde’s “How Do We Know The Bible Is True?” and progressed from there. I decided to share it because it is still relevant today.

On page 2 Velarde writes: “The supernatural - anything beyond the natural world - is dismissed or relegated to a second-class status. This often results in doubt about the Bible. Can we trust it to be true? Are we really expected to believe the supernatural events it records? This is a bias that defines miracles out of existence rather than reasoning that if God exists, then miracles are possible.”

Jesus Saves sign on building

The cultivation of a healthy bodymindspirit connection isn’t very well taught in the Christian Church, at least not from my perceived memories of past church experiences. The continued maintenance of all three, body, mind, spirit, allows you the physical, mental and spiritual capacity to access the power held within God’s universe. You hear about the ‘Power of God’ mentioned in many sermons, but what exactly is the ‘Power’? And how do you use it? The power to heal is energetic and vibrational in nature. There is power in every degree, plain, horizon, frequency, moon and sun rise, soil, sand and sea - from the earth’s crust to the heavens above.

He created our bodies and this Earth as a temple that He resides in. It is self-healing yet self-destroying. As humans, we have been given the gift to choose which direction to focus on. But the key to accepting that gift is that we must make the choice. The fact that we are given choice is an invitation to learn the details behind the choice. If we don’t deliberately explore our options then we choose to maintain status quo. Thus, paying no real regard to the importance of protecting ourselves from that which does not serve us nor God.

So, we must learn and decide. We must take divine sovereignty and human responsibility seriously and make good use of our free will to maintain this body and this earth. The garden of Eden is an interesting visual and beautiful metaphor for life. If you do not maintain and work the garden, it will not be as fruitful. This whole life is about maintenance, the struggle is real!

The sad reality is that the church is in decline, fewer and fewer North American young adults attend. People participate in something because they want to, because it resonates with them and is authentic. If they don’t find this to be true, they won't go.

For many, there is religious trauma, they have been harmed by a human sinner at their church, or a variety of other ill-perceived experiences. In my case, I would like to see the church talk about things that are relevant to the changing worldview and the issues of the day. Not just worldview, but health and wellness and the way our body, spirit and mind work together. In my experience, anything out of the ordinary traditional church member mindset is looked down upon, judged and written off. This is foolish. There are many true and good things that the church dismisses. At the very base - the body, mind, spirit connection. The energy and electricity that runs through literally everything. The spirituality we are seeking can never be fully realized if we are taught by a church that does not incorporate health science or even some eastern ideas like meditation, being in the now, emptying your mind to reduce stress. If your theology differs, does it mean there is no truth in what these people are doing?

Calming the mind and focusing on your breath is a practice that is so helpful for managing emotions yet not taught in practicality. You hear “meditate on God’s word” but how do I do that? This is where we can learn from Eastern religion. As emotional humans, we need practical tools to step away from the busyness and into another realm. A spiritual realm of inner discovery that contributes to a more well-rounded relationship with yourself and that repairs your relationship with God and with others.

Meditation is a form of slowing down your heart rate and resting your thought life. Thoughts are vicious. They are addicting and sometimes untrue. You have to silence your thoughts to gain deeper understanding of your struggle points. It might seem counter-intuitive, but when you are in a state of breath-focus and turn off your mind to the endless barrage of inner narrative, Ah-hah moments arise and take you to a place of self-discovery. I ask God to be with me and reveal himself in these moments of escape.

In the same way, you need balance between the inner/outer function of your own life, the bodymindspirit. When one is out of whack, the rest will falter. If you have unresolved emotional issues, they will find their way into your body and spirit - through dis-ease or unhappiness.

It’s all about perspective.

Seek out a perspective shift so you can understand beyond your own narrow limitations.

The supernatural or spiritual is widely underdeveloped in the Christian Church. If so many things are silenced by the Church how will we learn from them? Is it fear-based ignorance passed down for generations? Or is it that people do not do the research for themselves, and instead judge the issue for x,y,z based on hearsay?

We need to be dedicated to seeking truth to find the things that are healthy for us. We must examine what we have been taught and find out the background history for ourselves. To determine whether the daily choices we make are serving the benefit of others or ingrained habits from long ago peppered by the battles of our ancestors and the bias of our own selfishness.

A person ought to be well-informed and aware of the context of their circumstances. Thereby

  1. choosing to reduce the negative impact that we cannot control, via unethical choices being made by others the world over or when evil triumphs in the areas of environment, society, finance, culture, etc.

  2. choosing to reduced the negative impact that we can control. Ultimately the ripples and waves I create really do affect everyone on Earth. When I use my presence on Earth for good and create an environment wherein I can reduce the onslaught of darkness and exposure to chemical or material products and environments, our family and our community make positive changes.

Let’s call it the study of all things interconnected. Like the root systems of trees. Everything works in tandem with or in direct relation to everything else. Creation, and the function of the minute details in quantum life and the mechanics of an overarching atmosphere of connections, is a grand mechanical design intended for us to live in and commune with. So if we mess up the balance with choices fuelled by anything over than love, we create undue stress on the system. I.e. too many pesticides kill insects - which is a major loss for humans - insects provide seed and species diversification.

Creation, and the function of the minute details in quantum life and the mechanics of an overarching atmosphere of connections, is a grand mechanical design intended for us to live in and commune with. So if we mess up the balance with choices fuelled by anything over than love, we create undue stress on the system.

Our interests encompass all sorts of knowledge, especially in the following fields:

  • Health and Physiology

  • Real, local food

  • Spirituality

  • Environment

  • Epigenetics

  • Psychology

  • Philosophy

  • Energetics

  • Astrology

  • Science

  • Language and word meanings

  • Geography

  • Symbology

  • Numerology

  • Capitalism vs Communism vs Socialism

Where are the sermons on these topics, presented positively or routinely in the church? As we learn more, we find out just how interconnected they all are and it gives us a deeper understanding of the world and the immensity of God’s creation. God has given us inquiring minds, and the ability to determine for ourselves what is right and wrong. Plus, Jesus came to do away with all that religiosity anyway. We want to create our own space that focuses on living the way Jesus intended.

The Church must talk about these things and stand up for the rights of Creation! We are the salt and light! Uncovering the darkness in the world and serving others is the whole point of life.

There is an evil force in the world. That we all agree on. And once you start researching, there is a discovery that the topics above are monopolized and controlled by a well-oiled and self-serving machine. There is an ultimate goal to maintain control, power and money. To keep the masses well distracted and to keep them from realizing their true potential (Fluoride, added in major amounts to town drinking water, is a neurological toxin that calcifies your pineal gland - which is said to be the spiritual gateway in your body). To keep people slaving away for a dollar that does not ultimately belong to them.

If we aim to follow Jesus and our body is a temple, and if we can move mountains with a little faith, why don’t we care about what we are consuming?

Most people are unhealthy in some way that is personal to their bodymindspirit perspective and will stay that way until something really changes. The agenda to keep us unhealthy is made obvious by the sheer amounts we must pay in order to mask our symptoms, but not actually heal the route cause of sickness (see Big Pharma - all the people who claimed to heal and were arrested, silenced and/or killed). God has given His power to the most intricate and magnificent bodymindspirit, the ability to heal itself. But if we are suppressed in all aspects of our body, mind and spirit then we must rely on the industry to keep us a float. It is a vicious consumer cycle created by Pharma and Agri-business. Prescription drugs, GMOs and pesticides have rendered our food and water dead. Plants, animals, insects and humans don’t stand a chance.

Why do toxins matter?

  1. Chemically altered substances are not natural. So our bodies are unable to properly deal with the hazardous accumulation of toxicity at such a rapid and constant rate.

  2. Most of these "forever chemicals" do not go away and are persistent for generations

  3. Insects, plants and bacteria are evolving to become resistant, increasing the need for more additives

  4. We are bound by addiction to pharmaceuticals and always need more

  5. Lack of scientific data surrounding the bold claim that these chemicals are “safe” when studies show the opposite, they are unavoidably unsafe.

  6. GMOs, Pharmaceuticals are sold under the guise of the “greater good.”

If so, why is North America so lost, sick, poor, malnourished, afraid, experiencing extreme collective side effects and getting all sorts of auto-immune, inflammation related issues?

Why is there still poverty and malnutrition?

Why do we still taint drinking water? And more importantly, why do First Nation Reserves not have access to clean drinking water?

Why is there still such a divide between the first world and the developing world and why do we call it 'developing' when governments don’t really do anything to develop it?

Why do we not teach proper nutrition, supplementation and healthy consumer practices? Well, that would mean we wouldn’t need to be as medicated, and that means less $$ in their pockets.

Health "care" is not really for healing, rather it is for creating a dependence and repeat customers.

Why do companies knowingly get away with this? Do these corporations try to cover up the truth? Do they fund and promote their own studies vs third party testing? Do they use their resources to lobby the government, big industry, the media and the court of law? Brand after brand use scientifically proven harmful ingredients knowingly and continually poisoning our consumer products (beauty, baby, food, drink, water). There is lawsuit after lawsuit, story after story of people’s lives harmed by their favourite brands.

Where are the regulatory agencies not doing their jobs? What about updating the Safety Code 6 for radiation toxicity in Canada?

Why is there climate geoengineering and weather modification?

Why are addictions promoted through advertising even though it is one of the worst killers? Alcohol, gambling, social media and screens, etc. - these are highly destructive and addictive. Yet we allow the programming of a new world order agenda in plain sight. We follow after celebrities and Hollywood culture under unknown satanic influence.

Smart Phone and social media culture is proven to be a cause of addiction, depression, spiritual decline and other health problems in adults and are exponentially worse for children. Facebook et al is an example of how something sinister can develop and evolve into a method of controlling consumer society. To keep us looking down, to distract us. To render us incapable of achieving optimal health and spiritual awareness. To gather our data and keep us buying and consuming poisonous products.

Paired with a toxic indoor/outdoor environment, you’ve got the perfect recipe to control the masses, a destructive herd of soldiers, generation by generation, living to work not working to live.

How does music manipulation affect our bodymindspirit negatively? Instead of using healing frequencies like 432 Hz or 528 Hz, the frequencies for modern day music have been changed to 440 Hz which are incompatible with our natural human energy frequencies.

Why would an elite controlling power do all of this?

  • To ultimately dumb down your senses and turn off your spirituality

  • An awake and free, critical thinking community is not easily governed

  • To create a workforce of followers and soldiers who will take care of those who dissent

  • Promoting violence, alcohol, racism, me vs them attitude creates a fierce community of people that shame the odd ones out, the counter cultural, the ones Jesus called

  • If you have a like minded herd of deceived people you can have them believing whatever you want. Those people who figure it out and go against the grain will be shunned by your special herd of sheep to the point of isolation and even death

  • To continue the plan and build deeper and deeper brand loyalty

  • Influence and confuse the masses (racism, gender ideology)

  • Keeping them in power for generations

  • Population control

  • Because Satan is the prince of this world

  • Satan wants us far away from Jesus BUT he can’t control those who are aware of his plan

Robert Velarde’s “How Do We Know The Bible Is True? article goes on to say “Truth is what corresponds to reality. Consequently, what is real is true, what is unreal is false. The Bible makes some very distinctive truth claims. It claims, for instance, that God exists. It also claims that He has chosen to communicate with us through His creation, our moral conscience, and via the Bible.”

Yes! Through his creation, through all parts of it. Through the Holy Spirit - a spirit, frequency or energy through which we are connected to Him.

We are expanding our worldview and trying to live according to our findings. It might label us unconventional, alternative, against the grain, out of the box, quacks, you name the cliché. We’re going to have to be okay with that since we’re open to new information that challenges our worldview and centers around the health and wellbeing of our family. Without “buying” in to a sick society that can only get by relying on an MD that notoriously prescribes instead of promotes a healthier way of living to heal yourself through God’s prefect creation.

Didn’t Jesus say to live counter culturally? Isn’t it a good thing to question your leaders and corporations and religions? Didn’t Jesus come to oppose the religious leaders of His day? Should we blindly trust government, corporations, healthcare or businesses governed by money and power?

Is Satan not at work in the World? Is that not a common phrase you hear in Church? Wouldn’t he have followers in high places? If demons exist and the devil is alive and well, wouldn’t it make sense that he’s running that kind of level of interference?

With all of this, there are some really disturbing realizations that leave you depressed and angry.

Satan controls either way - by doing the controlling and by keeping people depressed, oppressed, addicted, angry, lost, ignorant.

We are trying to figure out all of these things and what they mean in our lives - church is a part of that. We need time to wrestle with what it means to us, what we’ve learned throughout childhood and what it means for us going forward.

The Bible is true, but what if the truth has been skewed?

Jordan Maxwell, a man devoted to religious philosophy and ancient Hebrew (Phoenician Canaanite) vs what we call Hebrew today has offered many interesting points to add to the Bible, because he’s spent his life finding out the original translation. What if the King James version failed in translation?

It is not that we believe the Bible is untrue, it is that we think there might be more to the story than what is presented by the mass religious organizations including Christianity. Each denomination has their own theology and ideas realized through their particular perspectives.

Since the world is so corrupt and we are really just finding out how corrupt it is, we need time to find out what this means for us regarding the Bible and church. We see a lot of opposites of what Jesus teaches vs what religious institutions teach us.

Uncovering the evil in the world is a good thing, people are becoming more enlightened and are yearning for truth in all areas of life, in all nations. It's healthy to doubt but also to learn about the evil stuff to be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

And the evil is there, hiding in plain sight, Hollywood messages, pop culture, social media, symbolism, propaganda and history can give us many clues if we wake up to the facts. They show you and you’ll find the truth, if you’re looking.

What to do?

We do what we can to make changes in our lives - that’s where it starts. To use our buying power because that influences the market for the better. To create a positive, healing and healthy environment - body, mind and spirit. To benefit the nature and earth, the people and animals in it. All of God’s creation that he so creatively designed for us. It all works together, but if we work against it, are we sinning against God’s original creation? The whole reason he put us here was to take care of the earth and multiply. I want children to be raised in a way that will change the course of history not get lost in this backwards society.

Believe people who show us who they are and stop idolizing and following them. Question everything, as there are interwoven threads of deception in all areas. We are governed by egotistical power hungry humans with ulterior motives (whose intentions may have even started out as pure). Do we trust notorious politicians to run our country and put things in place to protect us or them? Their track records are not exactly good historical evidence to continue to follow the same things year after year.

Or do we just keep our heads down and allow the evil to continue when it has been revealed to us? Why would Jesus say to be counter cultural? Because even the cultural of His day was corrupt. It's normal for humans with free will to choose the wide and well trodden path. The narrow path is uncomfortable and doesn't allow many societal accolades.

Be uncomfortable with ignorance and popular thought. Think about what or who has influenced the popular thought and follow the money.

WWJD? In searching for truth, we must be discerning - since what we believe is truth to us. We have to research for ourselves and be open to what other experts have to say. We must guard our hearts and know that God is in control and loves us deeply, but don’t ever ignore that Satan is also controlling and has a lot of sway in this world.

There is hope and a light through the darkness in the powerful name of Jesus.

Find or start a church that you can grow with. No one is perfect and we are all bound by our own perspectives. Go with grace and lead with love. Recently, we attended a "Burning Questions" sermon on demons and we were there for it!

Here are four warnings from Chris Higginson, lead pastor at Sauble Christian Fellowship, about Satan’s demonization:

  1. Don’t base your beliefs on experience alone, base your beliefs on the Bible.

  2. Don’t play with the enemy in his territory.

  3. Don’t think you are immune. Everyone has been tormented by Satan’s flies.

  4. Don’t live in fear, live in fellowship with Jesus. Jesus is more powerful and will destroy him who holds the power of death. Hebrews 2:14.

Let us know in the comments: Are you attending a Church, why or why not? What do you disagree or agree with?

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